Choosing the Correct Footwear

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Choosing the Right Anti-Slip Footwear for Workplace Safety

Why Anti-Slip Flooring Alone May Not Be Enough

In some workplaces, anti-slip flooring alone is insufficient to reduce the risk of slips to an acceptable level. Therefore, additional measures must be taken to ensure everyone’s safety.

The Importance of Anti-Slip Footwear

Special slip-resistant footwear may be required in conjunction with anti-slip flooring. However, it is crucial to choose the right type of footwear for your specific workplace conditions.

Types of Anti-Slip Footwear

There are various types of anti-slip footwear available, but not all are suitable for every environment. Consider the following:

  • Footwear effective in wet conditions may not be suitable for areas with food spillages.
  • Some soles can be compromised by contaminants, altering their size and shape and reducing their anti-slip properties.

Trial and Testing

It is advisable to trial anti-slip shoes before committing to a purchase. Ensure the footwear works effectively with the type of flooring in your workplace.

Key Factors to Consider

When selecting anti-slip footwear, take into account the following aspects:

  • Soles: Ensure they provide adequate grip and are suitable for your workplace environment.
  • Heels: Check that they offer stability and support.
  • Material: Choose durable and suitable materials for your work conditions.
  • Comfort: Ensure the shoes are comfortable for extended wear.


Choosing the correct anti-slip footwear is essential for workplace safety. By considering the specific needs of your environment and testing footwear options, you can significantly reduce the risk of slips and ensure a safer workplace.