Preventing Trip Accidents

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Preventing Trips in the Workplace

Understanding Trips

The Oxford Dictionary defines a trip as “an act of falling or nearly falling down, because you have hit your foot against something”. Trips in the workplace are common, but many can be avoided by taking the following steps:

Identifying Trip Hazards

Look Out for Hazards: Regularly check for trip hazards such as uneven floors or trailing cables. Report these immediately to your employer or manager. Encourage good housekeeping among employees to help prevent trips.

Maintaining Clear Paths

Clear Routes When Carrying Items: A common cause of trips is carrying items that obstruct your view. Always check your path for clutter and potential trip hazards before carrying any items. Ensure the route is clear and free from obstructions, and be mindful of others moving around you.

Mind Your Surroundings: When placing items down, ensure they are not in the way of anyone carrying something else. This prevents potential tripping accidents.

Appropriate Footwear

Wear Suitable Footwear: Ensure all employees wear footwear appropriate for their work environment. This might include PPE such as steel toe-capped boots or extra-friction shoes. Footwear should be a good fit and comfortable.

Suitable Flooring

Install Appropriate Flooring: Ensure the flooring in your workplace is suitable for each specific environment. Different areas may require different types of flooring. Floors that are likely to get wet should be designed to prevent becoming slippery.


By identifying and addressing trip hazards, maintaining clear paths, using appropriate footwear, and installing suitable flooring, you can significantly reduce the risk of trips in the workplace. These measures ensure a safer environment for everyone.