Choosing the Correct Footwear

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Workplace Safety: Choosing the Right Anti-Slip Flooring and Footwear

Importance of Anti-Slip Measures

In some workplaces, anti-slip flooring on its own will not be enough to reduce the risk of slips to an acceptable level. Consequently, other measures must be taken to ensure that everyone is safe in the workplace.

Slip-Resistant Footwear

In most cases, special slip-resistant footwear may also be required. Bear in mind that there are different types of anti-slip footwear, some of which may not be suitable for your workplace.

Choosing the Right Footwear

Not all anti-slip shoes will be conducive to the type of flooring in your workplace. Therefore, it is advised to undertake a trial of the shoes before committing to buying the product.

Consider Environmental Factors

Footwear that is very effective in wet conditions might not be suitable in environments where there are food spillages. This may be due to the soles being of a design where contaminants can alter the size and shape of the soles, compromising their anti-slip ability.

Key Considerations for Selecting Footwear

Choosing the correct shoe can take some time. You need to take into account all aspects of it, from the soles to the heel, from the material it is made of to the comfort it affords to the user.

Trial and Error

Conduct trials to ensure the footwear meets the specific needs of your workplace environment.

Material and Design

Evaluate the materials and design of the footwear, ensuring they provide adequate anti-slip properties under your workplace conditions.

Comfort and Fit

Comfort is crucial as employees will be wearing the footwear for extended periods. Ensure the shoes fit well and provide the necessary support.